Growing up on the farm, I assumed that all kids grew up understanding certain things about animals. We had various animals around all the time, watched wildlife run through nearby fields, and read tons of books and watched VHS tapes (remember those?) about animals of all kinds. While we could be fascinated and enchanted and eager to learn more, the one thing we always knew was that animals are dangerous.
Even a tame animal can turn on a person. To this day, I never walk near the cows without straining my ears for any sound of fast-moving hooves or glancing over my shoulder in all directions as I go. My cattle aren't wild or mean. They also aren't tame enough to have lost their fear of humans. Even so, I can never assume they are safe.
Wild animals are even more unpredictable than domesticated animals. Herds will stampede, individual animals will charge, cornered animals will bite or scratch, and some predators will view humans as food.
That's right. Those majestic, innocent creatures might just choose you for lunch. If you go running in the woods, expect to trigger the chase instinct in a cougar. If you go hiking in the wilderness keep an eye out for bears and have some sort of defense mechanism with you. Oh yes, I know. You already know that bears might attack if they are startled or if you get too near their food or cubs. Did you also know that bears will hunt humans? That wasn't in your bear aware training, was it?
I'm not saying that every bear will make predatory attacks on humans, but it is not out of the question. I was reminded of this by a recent post on social media. Reading the story of a couple who survived a predatory attack by a bear reminded me of something I read nearly a year ago, in a 1921 book by Agnes C. Laut entitled, "The Fur Trade of North America." Chapter 4 of Part 2 begins this way:
"The city man, who goes bear-hunting with
a bodyguard of armed guides in a field where the hunted have been on the run
from the hunter for a century, gets a very tame idea of the natural bear in its
natural state. Bears that have had the fear of man inculcated with long-range
repeaters lose confidence in the prowess of an aggressive onset against
invisible foes. The city man comes back from the wilds with a legend of how
harmless bears have become. In fact, he doesn't believe a wild animal ever
attacks unless it is attacked. He doubts whether the bear would go on its
life-long career of rapine and death, if hunger did not compel it, or if
repeated assault and battery from other animals did not teach the poor bear the
art of self-defense.
"Grizzly old trappers coming down to the
frontier towns of the Western States once a year for provisions, or hanging
round the forts of the Hudson's Bay Company in Canada for the summer, tell a
different tale. Their hunting is done in a field where human presence is still
so rare that it is unknown and the bear treats mankind precisely as he treats
all other living beings from moose and the musk-ox to mice and ants - as fair
game for his own insatiable maw."
The inside cover of Agnes C. Laut's "The Fur Trade of America" |
The majority of the chapter is filled by several stories of bears hunting and brutally attacking people (I first read this chapter at night - big mistake!) The chapter ends as follows:
All that to say, wild animals in general are unpredictable and dangerous. I have seen far too many videos on social media lately of people getting close to such wild animals as bears and bison just to get a video or see the beast up close. These are not tame animals.
If you want to marvel at the beauty of a wild animal or snap a photo, that's fine. Just make sure you are at a safe distance.
If you are in a vehicle, stay in the vehicle.
If you are on foot, keep your distance. Keep a much greater distance than you might want.
If an animal approaches you, even if it seem friendly and/or curious, back away and get to safety. Do not run unless it is the only option. Running will trigger a predator's chase instinct and you will never outrun that animal.
Beware large herbivores. Bison, moose, elk, and even deer can also be dangerous if they are cornered, protecting their young or territory, or during the season of rut.
I don't write this to scare you or to deter you from enjoying nature. I simply want to do my part to keep you all safe. As I mentioned earlier, I have seen far too many videos on social media that have left me shaking my head and wondering how the person survived an encounter with so many foolish blunders.
My best piece of advice is this: learn all you can about as many different animals as you can.
Read such things as pocket guides of mammals, animal behaviour books, blogs from farmers talking about their cows, magazine articles about newly discovered species, books about true stories of crazy survival events. Buy children's books about different types of animals and read them with your kids. Everything you can learn about animals (and other aspects of nature) is important.
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Some of the animal information sources in my house. I wasn't kidding about the children's books and VHS tapes. |
The tiny little bits of trivia may not seem important as you learn them, but as they accumulate, your understanding will grow and you will be well equipped to venture into nature in as safe a manner as possible.