Tuesday, March 21, 2017

What If You Were Afraid to Eat?

I hate watching/listening to/looking at food-related advertising.  It seems that every time I come across such advertising, there is an undercurrent of fear within it, and that horrifies me.

At first, I wasn't horrified.  I was annoyed, slightly disturbed, and my blood pressure would rise.  But I didn't want to make too big of a deal about it, so I would detach myself and simply write fact-based blogs, or post true food facts on my farm's social media page.  I did what I could to learn the facts of food production so I could inform myself, forming my own opinions and values and basing my practices on those values.  I also wanted to be able counter any misinformation I might come across in general conversation.  

Recently, though, I came across a study that chilled me.  The more I think about it, the greater my horror is.  The  study takes a look at the effect of food marketing on consumer choices, particularly when it comes to marketing that pits organic fruits and vegetables against conventional fruits and vegetables.  The study concluded that consumers are hearing messages that make them afraid to eat conventionally-raised fruits and vegetables, mainly because the organic marketing questions the existence of pesticide residues, etc. on these products that are raised using conventional methods.  

I already knew that consumers were worried about the safety of their food.  The new part that I learned from the study is what sent chills down my back: low-income families and individuals are receiving these marketing messages along with everyone else, but they can't afford to buy organic produce, so they simply don't buy as many fruits and vegetables as they normally would, which means they are not eating as many fruits and vegetables as they need to.

Think about that.  

People aren't getting the nutrition they need because they think their food is going to make them sick.  Furthermore, they can't access or afford to buy the stuff that marketers say is safe.  But the conventionally produced food isn't going to make them sick!  I know this because I grow crops in a conventional manner.  Yes, there are a few minor practices that I don't agree with and don't utilize, but by and large I know that any food I get at a grocery store is safe.

Somewhere in this world, probably in my own county, in your own city or town, is an individual standing in front of a grocery store produce section and making the decision to just skip buying fruits and vegetables because they can't afford the organic stuff and they are afraid to eat the conventional produce.  

What if that person is someone living on disability, who needs a specific diet to keep healthy?  

What if that person is a young mother who is afraid to feed her children these essential, nutritious foods because her family is on a fixed income and she can't afford the organic produce?  

What if that person is a senior citizen living on a government pension?

What if that person is someone in a remote town with limited access to organic produce?  

What if that person is someone you know?

What if that person is your friend or your family member?

What if that person is you?

I feel sick thinking about this.  Even cleaning out the barn didn't get me calmed down about this.  People are afraid to eat some of the most nutritious foods there are.  What are we going to do about this?

I'll tell you what I'm going to do.  I going to keep writing my blogs.  I'm going to keep learning and informing myself.  I'm going to keep using production methods that reflect my values.  And I am not going to fear my food.

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