Tuesday, September 22, 2015

If I Was a Farmer's Wife

I've mentioned before that a lot of people tell me that I should marry a farmer.  I generally scoff at the idea and wiggle my way out of those conversations as quickly as possible.  I don't need to marry a farmer; I am a farmer.  Besides, that really narrows down my options.  However, I must admit that there are days, like today, when I find myself thinking, "I would make an amazing farmer's wife!"  I'm not trying to send out any hints here.  I'm just saying that I'd be good at it.  Allow me explain:

If I Was a Farmer's Wife:

My husband would be awfully well-fed.
Okay, so I'm not the best cook in the world, but I've done a lot of improving over the last few years (just ask my fellow students that I occasionally have over for supper).  Besides, I'm half German.  I will feed you full and then force more on you because that's how you're supposed to treat guests, don't you know.

The house would always be decently clean.
My close family members might scoff at this, but on the farm there are always neighbours dropping in and I hate to have guests, even neighbours, see a messy house.  On the other hand...

I wouldn't make too much of a fuss about messes in the house.
On the farm, things get dirty.  That's just a fact of life.  And I can live with a bit of organized messiness (anyone who has seen my room can confirm this).

My husband wouldn't need a hired hand.
He'd have me to help.  Bonus: I'm already trained in the technical skills, etc.

No topic would be banned from the supper table.
My dad and I are routinely banned from speaking about certain things when we're eating because Mom and Janna can't handle it (really, what's wrong with talking about trapping gophers over a good roast beef dinner?).  I can handle any grossness a farmer might throw at me (literally and figuratively).

I would understand.
When we have to miss church because the cows got out - I understand.  When suppers have to be wrapped up and taken to the field - I understand.  When everything is going wrong at once - I understand.  I've been there.

I could help.
I know what to do when things go wrong and I can help with whatever needs to be done.  Even if what I have to do is just wait, I can do that.  I've done it before.

Now, lest you begin to think, "She doesn't need a husband.  She's got it all under control herself,"  I must make one last point:

If I was a farmer's wife, I would need my husband.
I'd need him to reach things from the top shelf (because using a stool all the time is awful).  I'd need him to deal with the mice (the only rodent I have an issue with).  I'd need him to lift the heavy things, help me make decisions, and send me away when I get too frustrated for a job.  I can do all these things myself, but sometimes I think it would pretty nice to have a husband to help.

My dad does all of these things for me now, but I can't expect him to always be there, especially once he retires.  But, even if I marry a man who isn't a farmer, I think I'll feel like the most blessed woman on earth.

*Note to the family matchmakers:  Please be reminded that I am not hinting for you to go find me a husband.  These are just musings.  Calm down.  :)


  1. Love it! I'll keep following to see what becomes of the farmer and the farmer's wife!

  2. Your room does not count as only "a bit of organized messiness." It's a disaster.


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